easygraph.functions.path package


easygraph.functions.path.bridges module

easygraph.functions.path.bridges.bridges(G, root=None)[source]

Generate all bridges in a graph.

A bridge in a graph is an edge whose removal causes the number of connected components of the graph to increase. Equivalently, a bridge is an edge that does not belong to any cycle.

  • G (undirected graph) –

  • root (node (optional)) – A node in the graph G. If specified, only the bridges in the connected component containing this node will be returned.


e (edge) – An edge in the graph whose removal disconnects the graph (or causes the number of connected components to increase).


NodeNotFound – If root is not in the graph G.


>>> list(eg.bridges(G))
[(9, 10)]


This is an implementation of the algorithm described in _[1]. An edge is a bridge if and only if it is not contained in any chain. Chains are found using the chain_decomposition() function.

Ignoring polylogarithmic factors, the worst-case time complexity is the same as the chain_decomposition() function, $O(m + n)$, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph and $m$ is the number of edges.




easygraph.functions.path.bridges.has_bridges(G, root=None)[source]

Decide whether a graph has any bridges.

A bridge in a graph is an edge whose removal causes the number of connected components of the graph to increase.

  • G (undirected graph) –

  • root (node (optional)) – A node in the graph G. If specified, only the bridges in the connected component containing this node will be considered.


Whether the graph (or the connected component containing root) has any bridges.

Return type



NodeNotFound – If root is not in the graph G.


>>> eg.has_bridges(G)


This implementation uses the easygraph.bridges() function, so it shares its worst-case time complexity, $O(m + n)$, ignoring polylogarithmic factors, where $n$ is the number of nodes in the graph and $m$ is the number of edges.

easygraph.functions.path.mst module

easygraph.functions.path.mst.maximum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm='kruskal', weight='weight', data=True, ignore_nan=False)[source]

Generate edges in a maximum spanning forest of an undirected weighted graph.

A maximum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree) with the maximum possible sum of edge weights. A spanning forest is a union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

  • G (undirected Graph) – An undirected graph. If G is connected, then the algorithm finds a spanning tree. Otherwise, a spanning forest is found.

  • algorithm (string) – The algorithm to use when finding a maximum spanning tree. Valid choices are ‘kruskal’, ‘prim’, or ‘boruvka’. The default is ‘kruskal’.

  • weight (string) – Edge data key to use for weight (default ‘weight’).

  • data (bool, optional) – If True yield the edge data along with the edge.

  • ignore_nan (bool (default: False)) – If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised. If ignore_nan is True then that edge is ignored instead.


edges – An iterator over edges in a maximum spanning tree of G. Edges connecting nodes u and v are represented as tuples: (u, v, k, d) or (u, v, k) or (u, v, d) or (u, v)

Return type



>>> from easygraph.functions.basic import mst

Find maximum spanning edges by Kruskal’s algorithm

>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)
>>> mst = mst.maximum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm="kruskal", data=False)
>>> edgelist = list(mst)
>>> sorted(sorted(e) for e in edgelist)
[[0, 1], [0, 3], [1, 2]]

Find maximum spanning edges by Prim’s algorithm

>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)  # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
>>> mst = mst.maximum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm="prim", data=False)
>>> edgelist = list(mst)
>>> sorted(sorted(e) for e in edgelist)
[[0, 1], [0, 3], [2, 3]]


For Borůvka’s algorithm, each edge must have a weight attribute, and each edge weight must be distinct.

For the other algorithms, if the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1 will be used.

Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006 http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/

easygraph.functions.path.mst.maximum_spanning_tree(G, weight='weight', algorithm='kruskal', ignore_nan=False)[source]

Returns a maximum spanning tree or forest on an undirected graph G.

  • G (undirected graph) – An undirected graph. If G is connected, then the algorithm finds a spanning tree. Otherwise, a spanning forest is found.

  • weight (str) – Data key to use for edge weights.

  • algorithm (string) – The algorithm to use when finding a maximum spanning tree. Valid choices are ‘kruskal’, ‘prim’, or ‘boruvka’. The default is ‘kruskal’.

  • ignore_nan (bool (default: False)) – If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised. If ignore_nan is True then that edge is ignored instead.


G – A maximum spanning tree or forest.

Return type

EasyGraph Graph


>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)
>>> T = eg.maximum_spanning_tree(G)
>>> sorted(T.edges(data=True))
[(0, 1, {}), (0, 3, {'weight': 2}), (1, 2, {})]


For Borůvka’s algorithm, each edge must have a weight attribute, and each edge weight must be distinct.

For the other algorithms, if the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1 will be used.

There may be more than one tree with the same minimum or maximum weight. See easygraph.tree.recognition for more detailed definitions.

Isolated nodes with self-loops are in the tree as edgeless isolated nodes.

easygraph.functions.path.mst.minimum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm='kruskal', weight='weight', data=True, ignore_nan=False)[source]

Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected weighted graph.

A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree) with the minimum sum of edge weights. A spanning forest is a union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

  • G (undirected Graph) – An undirected graph. If G is connected, then the algorithm finds a spanning tree. Otherwise, a spanning forest is found.

  • algorithm (string) – The algorithm to use when finding a minimum spanning tree. Valid choices are ‘kruskal’, ‘prim’, or ‘boruvka’. The default is ‘kruskal’.

  • weight (string) – Edge data key to use for weight (default ‘weight’).

  • data (bool, optional) – If True yield the edge data along with the edge.

  • ignore_nan (bool (default: False)) – If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised. If ignore_nan is True then that edge is ignored instead.


edges – An iterator over edges in a maximum spanning tree of G. Edges connecting nodes u and v are represented as tuples: (u, v, k, d) or (u, v, k) or (u, v, d) or (u, v)

Return type



>>> from easygraph.functions.basic import mst

Find minimum spanning edges by Kruskal’s algorithm

>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)
>>> mst = mst.minimum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm="kruskal", data=False)
>>> edgelist = list(mst)
>>> sorted(sorted(e) for e in edgelist)
[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]

Find minimum spanning edges by Prim’s algorithm

>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)
>>> mst = mst.minimum_spanning_edges(G, algorithm="prim", data=False)
>>> edgelist = list(mst)
>>> sorted(sorted(e) for e in edgelist)
[[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3]]


For Borůvka’s algorithm, each edge must have a weight attribute, and each edge weight must be distinct.

For the other algorithms, if the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1 will be used.

Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006 http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/

easygraph.functions.path.mst.minimum_spanning_tree(G, weight='weight', algorithm='kruskal', ignore_nan=False)[source]

Returns a minimum spanning tree or forest on an undirected graph G.

  • G (undirected graph) – An undirected graph. If G is connected, then the algorithm finds a spanning tree. Otherwise, a spanning forest is found.

  • weight (str) – Data key to use for edge weights.

  • algorithm (string) – The algorithm to use when finding a minimum spanning tree. Valid choices are ‘kruskal’, ‘prim’, or ‘boruvka’. The default is ‘kruskal’.

  • ignore_nan (bool (default: False)) – If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised. If ignore_nan is True then that edge is ignored instead.


G – A minimum spanning tree or forest.

Return type

EasyGraph Graph


>>> G.add_edge(0, 3, weight=2)
>>> T = eg.minimum_spanning_tree(G)
>>> sorted(T.edges(data=True))
[(0, 1, {}), (1, 2, {}), (2, 3, {})]


For Borůvka’s algorithm, each edge must have a weight attribute, and each edge weight must be distinct.

For the other algorithms, if the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1 will be used.

Isolated nodes with self-loops are in the tree as edgeless isolated nodes.

easygraph.functions.path.path module

easygraph.functions.path.path.Dijkstra(G, node, weight='weight')[source]

Returns the length of paths from the certain node to remaining nodes

  • G (graph) – weighted graph

  • node (int) –


result_dict – the length of paths from the certain node to remaining nodes

Return type



Returns the length of paths from node 1 to remaining nodes

>>> Dijkstra(G,node=1,weight="weight")
easygraph.functions.path.path.Floyd(*args, **kwargs)
easygraph.functions.path.path.Kruskal(*args, **kwargs)
easygraph.functions.path.path.Prim(*args, **kwargs)
easygraph.functions.path.path.Spfa(*args, **kwargs)
easygraph.functions.path.path.multi_source_dijkstra(G, sources, weight='weight', target=None)[source]
easygraph.functions.path.path.single_source_bfs(G, source, target=None)[source]
easygraph.functions.path.path.single_source_dijkstra(G, source, weight='weight', target=None)[source]

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