Source code for easygraph.functions.graph_embedding.NOBE

import easygraph as eg
import numpy as np

from easygraph.utils import *

__all__ = ["NOBE", "NOBE_GA"]

[docs]@not_implemented_for("multigraph") def NOBE(G, K): """Graph embedding via NOBE[1]. Parameters ---------- G : easygraph.Graph An unweighted and undirected graph. K : int Embedding dimension k Returns ------- Y : list list of embedding vectors (y1, y2, · · · , yn) Examples -------- >>> NOBE(G,K=15) References ---------- .. [1] """ dict = {} a = 0 for i in G.nodes: dict[i] = a a += 1 LG = graph_to_d_atleast2(G) N = len(G) P, pair = Transition(LG) V = eigs_nodes(P, K) Y = embedding(V, pair, K, N, dict, G) return Y
[docs]@not_implemented_for("multigraph") def NOBE_GA(G, K): """Graph embedding via NOBE-GA[1]. Parameters ---------- G : easygraph.Graph An unweighted and undirected graph. K : int Embedding dimension k Returns ------- Y : list list of embedding vectors (y1, y2, · · · , yn) Examples -------- >>> NOBE_GA(G,K=15) References ---------- .. [1] """ from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs N = len(G) A = np.eye(N, N) for i in G.edges: (u, v, t) = i u = int(u) - 1 v = int(v) - 1 A[u, v] = 1 degree = D_inv = np.zeros([N, N]) a = 0 for i in degree: D_inv[a, a] = 1 / degree[i] a += 1 D_I_inv = np.zeros([N, N]) b = 0 for i in degree: if degree[i] > 1: D_I_inv[b, b] = 1 / (degree[i] - 1) b += 1 I = np.identity(N) M_D = 0.5 * A * D_I_inv * (I - D_inv) D_D = 0.5 * I T_ua = np.zeros([2 * N, 2 * N]) T_ua[0:N, 0:N] = M_D T_ua[N : 2 * N, N : 2 * N] = M_D T_ua[N : 2 * N, 0:N] = D_D T_ua[0:N, N : 2 * N] = D_D Y1, Y = eigs(T_ua, K + 1, which="LR") Y = Y[0:N, :-1] return Y
def graph_to_d_atleast2(G): n = len(G) LG = eg.Graph() LG = G.copy() new_node = n degree = node = LG.nodes.copy() for i in node: if degree[i] == 1: for neighbors in LG.neighbors(node=i): LG.add_edge(i, new_node) LG.add_edge(new_node, neighbors) break new_node = new_node + 1 return LG def Transition(LG): N = len(LG) M = LG.size() LLG = eg.DiGraph() for i in LG.edges: (u, v, t) = i LLG.add_edge(u, v) LLG.add_edge(v, u) degree = P = np.zeros([2 * M, 2 * M]) pair = [] k = 0 l = 0 for i in LLG.edges: l = 0 for j in LLG.edges: (u, v, t) = i (x, y, z) = j if v == x and u != y: P[k][l] = 1 / (degree[v] - 1) l += 1 k += 1 a = 0 for i in LLG.edges: (u, v, t) = i pair.append([u, v]) a += 1 return P, pair def eigs_nodes(P, K): from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs M = np.size(P, 0) L = np.zeros([M, M]) I = np.identity(M) P_T = P.T L = I - (P + P_T) / 2 U, D = eigs(L, K + 1, which="LR") D = D[:, :-1] V = np.zeros([M, K], dtype=complex) a = 0 for i in D: V[a] = i a += 1 return V def embedding(V, pair, K, N, dict, G): Y = np.zeros([N, K], dtype=complex) idx = 0 for i in pair: [v, u] = i if u in G.nodes: t = dict[u] for j in range(0, len(V[idx])): Y[t, j] += V[idx, j] idx += 1 return Y