__all__ = ["get_structural_holes_HAM"]
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
from easygraph.utils import *
eps = 2.220446049250313e-16
def sym(w):
import scipy.linalg as spl
Initialize a random orthogonal matrix F = w * (wT * w)^ (-1/2)
w : A random matrix.
F : a random orthogonal matrix.
return w.dot(spl.inv(spl.sqrtm(w.T.dot(w))))
def avg_entropy(predicted_labels, actual_labels):
Calculate the average entropy between predicted_labels and actual_labels.
predicted_labels : a Ndarray of predicted_labels.
actual_labels : a Ndarray of actual_labels.
A float of average entropy.
import scipy.stats as stat
actual_labels_dict = {}
predicted_labels_dict = {}
for label in np.unique(actual_labels):
actual_labels_dict[label] = np.nonzero(actual_labels == label)[0]
for label in np.unique(predicted_labels):
predicted_labels_dict[label] = np.nonzero(predicted_labels == label)[0]
avg_value = 0
N = len(predicted_labels)
# store entropy for each community
for label, items in predicted_labels_dict.items():
N_i = float(len(items))
p_i = []
for label2, items2 in actual_labels_dict.items():
common = set(items.tolist()).intersection(set(items2.tolist()))
p_ij = float(len(common)) / N_i
entropy_i = stat.entropy(p_i)
avg_value += entropy_i * (N_i / float(N))
return avg_value
def load_adj_matrix(G):
Transfer the graph into sparse matrix.
G : graph
An undirected graph.
A : A sparse matrix A
import scipy.sparse as sps
listE = []
for edge in G.edges:
listE.append(edge[0] - 1)
listE.append(edge[1] - 1)
adj_tuples = np.array(listE).reshape(-1, 2)
n = len(np.unique(adj_tuples))
vals = np.array([1] * len(G.edges))
max_id = max(max(adj_tuples[:, 0]), max(adj_tuples[:, 1])) + 1
A = sps.csr_matrix(
(vals, (adj_tuples[:, 0], adj_tuples[:, 1])), shape=(max_id, max_id)
A = A + A.T
return sps.csr_matrix(A)
def majority_voting(votes):
majority voting.
votes : a Ndarray of votes
the most common label.
C = Counter(votes)
pairs = C.most_common(2)
if len(pairs) == 0:
return 0
if pairs[0][0] > 0:
return pairs[0][0]
elif len(pairs) > 1:
return pairs[1][0]
return 0
def label_by_neighbors(AdjMat, labels):
classifify SHS using majority voting.
AdjMat : adjacency matrix
labels : a Ndarray of labeled communities of the nodes.
labels : a Ndarray of labeled communities of the nodes.
assert AdjMat.shape[0] == len(labels), "dimensions are not equal"
unlabeled_idx = labels == 0
num_unlabeled = sum(unlabeled_idx)
count = 0
while num_unlabeled > 0:
idxs = np.array(np.nonzero(unlabeled_idx)[0])
next_labels = np.zeros(len(labels))
for idx in idxs:
neighbors = np.nonzero(AdjMat[idx, :] > 0)[1]
if len(neighbors) == 0:
next_labels[idx] = majority_voting(labels)
neighbor_labels = labels[neighbors]
next_labels[idx] = majority_voting(neighbor_labels)
labels[idxs] = next_labels[idxs]
unlabeled_idx = labels == 0
num_unlabeled = sum(unlabeled_idx)
return labels
def get_structural_holes_HAM(G, k, c, ground_truth_labels):
"""Structural hole spanners detection via HAM method.
Using HAM [1]_ to jointly detect SHS and communities.
G : easygraph.Graph
An undirected graph.
k : int
top - k structural hole spanners
c : int
the number of communities
ground_truth_labels : list of lists
The label of each node's community.
top_k_nodes : list
The top-k structural hole spanners.
SH_score : dict
The structural hole spanners score for each node, given by HAM.
cmnt_labels : dict
The communities label of each node.
>>> get_structural_holes_HAM(G,
... k = 2, # To find top two structural holes spanners.
... c = 2,
... ground_truth_labels = [[0], [0], [1], [0], [1]] # The ground truth labels for each node - community detection result, for example.
... )
.. [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2939672.2939807
import scipy.linalg as spl
import scipy.sparse as sps
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans
from scipy.cluster.vq import vq
from sklearn import metrics
G_index, _, node_of_index = G.to_index_node_graph(begin_index=1)
A_mat = load_adj_matrix(G_index)
A = A_mat # adjacency matrix
n = A.shape[0] # the number of nodes
epsilon = 1e-4 # smoothing value: epsilon
max_iter = 50 # maximum iteration value
seeeed = 5433
topk = k
# Inv of degree matrix D^-1
invD = sps.diags((np.array(A.sum(axis=0))[0, :] + eps) ** (-1.0), 0)
# Laplacian matrix L = I - D^-1 * A
L = (sps.identity(n) - invD.dot(A)).tocsr()
# Initialize a random orthogonal matrix F
F = sym(np.random.random((n, c)))
# Algorithm 1
for step in range(max_iter):
Q = sps.identity(n).tocsr()
P = L.dot(F)
for i in range(n):
Q[i, i] = 0.5 / (spl.norm(P[i, :]) + epsilon)
R = L.T.dot(Q).dot(L)
W, V = np.linalg.eigh(R.todense())
Wsort = np.argsort(W) # sort from smallest to largest
F = V[:, Wsort[0:c]] # select the smallest eigenvectors
# find SH spanner
SH = np.zeros((n,))
for i in range(n):
SH[i] = np.linalg.norm(F[i, :])
SHrank = np.argsort(SH) # index of SH
to_keep_index = np.sort(SHrank[topk:])
A_temp = A[to_keep_index, :]
A_temp = A_temp[:, to_keep_index]
HAM_labels_keep = np.asarray(ground_truth_labels)[to_keep_index]
allLabels = np.asarray(ground_truth_labels)
cluster_matrix = F
labelbook, distortion = kmeans(cluster_matrix[to_keep_index, :], c)
HAM_labels, dist = vq(cluster_matrix[to_keep_index, :], labelbook)
"HAM: "
+ str(metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(HAM_labels, HAM_labels_keep.T[0]))
# classifify SHS using majority voting
predLabels = np.zeros(len(ground_truth_labels))
predLabels[to_keep_index] = HAM_labels + 1
HAM_predLabels = label_by_neighbors(A, predLabels)
"HAM_all: "
+ str(metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(HAM_predLabels, allLabels.T[0]))
"HAM: "
+ str(metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(HAM_labels, HAM_labels_keep.T[0]))
"HAM_all: "
+ str(metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(HAM_predLabels, allLabels.T[0]))
print("HAM: " + str(avg_entropy(HAM_labels, HAM_labels_keep.T[0])))
print("HAM_all: " + str(avg_entropy(HAM_predLabels, allLabels.T[0])))
SH_score = dict()
for index, rank in enumerate(SHrank):
SH_score[node_of_index[index + 1]] = int(rank)
cmnt_labels = dict()
for index, label in enumerate(HAM_predLabels):
cmnt_labels[node_of_index[index + 1]] = int(label)
# top-k SHS
top_k_ind = np.argpartition(SHrank, -k)[-k:]
top_k_ind = top_k_ind[np.argsort(SHrank[top_k_ind])[::-1][:k]]
top_k_nodes = []
for ind in top_k_ind:
top_k_nodes.append(node_of_index[ind + 1])
return top_k_nodes, SH_score, cmnt_labels