import easygraph as eg
from easygraph.utils import *
__all__ = [
def _computeTieStrength(G, node_u, node_v):
F_u = set(G.neighbors(node=node_u))
F_v = set(G.neighbors(node=node_v))
uni = len(F_u.union(F_v))
inter = len(F_u.intersection(F_v))
S_uv = inter / uni
G[node_u][node_v]["strength"] = S_uv
def _computeAllTieStrength(G):
for edge in G.edges:
node_u = edge[0]
node_v = edge[1]
_computeTieStrength(G, node_u, node_v)
# print(G.edges)
def _strongly_connected_components(G, threshold):
"""Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph with constraint threshold.
G : easygraph.DiGraph
A directed graph.
threshold: float
the edge whose tie strength is smaller than threshold will be ignored.
comp : generator of sets
A generator of sets of nodes, one for each strongly connected
component of G.
# >>> _strongly_connected_components(G, 0.2)
Uses Tarjan's algorithm[1]_ with Nuutila's modifications[2]_.
Nonrecursive version of algorithm.
.. [1] Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms, R. Tarjan
SIAM Journal of Computing 1(2):146-160, (1972).
.. [2] On finding the strongly connected components in a directed graph.
E. Nuutila and E. Soisalon-Soinen
Information Processing Letters 49(1): 9-14, (1994)..
preorder = {}
lowlink = {}
scc_found = set()
scc_queue = []
i = 0 # Preorder counter
for source in G:
if source not in scc_found:
queue = [source]
while queue:
v = queue[-1]
if v not in preorder:
i = i + 1
preorder[v] = i
done = True
for w in G[v]:
if G[v][w]["strength"] >= threshold:
if w not in preorder:
done = False
if done:
lowlink[v] = preorder[v]
for w in G[v]:
if G[v][w]["strength"] >= threshold:
if w not in scc_found:
if preorder[w] > preorder[v]:
lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], lowlink[w]])
lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], preorder[w]])
if lowlink[v] == preorder[v]:
scc = {v}
while scc_queue and preorder[scc_queue[-1]] > preorder[v]:
k = scc_queue.pop()
yield scc
def _computeCloseness(G, c, u, threshold, length):
n = 0
strength_sum_u = 0
for v in c:
if u in G[v] and v != u:
if G[v][u]["strength"] != 0:
n += 1
strength_sum_u += G[v][u]["strength"]
closeness_c_u = (strength_sum_u - n * threshold) / length
return closeness_c_u
def _computeScore(G, threshold):
score_dict = {}
for node in G.nodes:
score_dict[node] = 0
for c in _strongly_connected_components(G, threshold):
length = len(c)
for u in G.nodes:
closeness_c_u = _computeCloseness(G, c, u, threshold, length)
if closeness_c_u < 0:
score_dict[u] += (-1) * closeness_c_u
return score_dict
def weakTie(G, threshold, k):
"""Return top-k nodes with highest scores which were computed by WeakTie method.
G: easygraph.DiGraph
k: int
top - k nodes with highest scores.
threshold: float
tie strength threshold.
SHS_list : list
The list of each nodes with highest scores.
score_dict: dict
The score of each node, can be used for WeakTie-Local and WeakTie-Bi.
See Also
# >>> SHS_list,score_dict=weakTie(G, 0.2, 3)
.. [1] Mining Brokers in Dynamic Social Networks. Chonggang Song, Wynne Hsu, Mong Li Lee. Proc. of ACM CIKM, 2015.
score_dict = _computeScore(G, threshold)
ordered_set = sorted(score_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
SHS_list = []
for i in range(k):
print("score dict:", score_dict)
print("top-k nodes:", SHS_list)
return SHS_list, score_dict
def _updateScore(u, G, threshold):
score_u = 0
for c in _strongly_connected_components(G, threshold):
length = len(c)
closeness_c_u = _computeCloseness(G, c, u, threshold, length)
if closeness_c_u < 0:
score_u -= closeness_c_u
return score_u
def _get2hop(G, node):
neighbors = []
firstlevel = {node: 1}
seen = {} # level (number of hops) when seen in BFS
level = 0 # the current level
nextlevel = set(firstlevel) # set of nodes to check at next level
n = len(G.adj)
while nextlevel and level <= 2:
thislevel = nextlevel # advance to next level
nextlevel = set() # and start a new set (fringe)
found = []
for v in thislevel:
if v not in seen:
seen[v] = level # set the level of vertex v
# yield (v, level)
if len(seen) == n:
for v in found:
level += 1
del seen
return neighbors
def _commonUpdate(G, node_u, node_v, threshold, score_dict):
for node_w in G.neighbors(node=node_u):
_computeTieStrength(G, node_u, node_w)
for node_w in G.predecessors(node=node_u):
_computeTieStrength(G, node_w, node_u)
G_un = eg.Graph()
for node in G.nodes:
for edge in G.edges:
if not G_un.has_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
G_un.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
u_2hop = _get2hop(G_un, node_u)
G_u = G.nodes_subgraph(from_nodes=u_2hop)
v_2hop = _get2hop(G_un, node_v)
G_v = G.nodes_subgraph(from_nodes=v_2hop)
score_u = _updateScore(node_u, G_u, threshold)
score_v = _updateScore(node_v, G_v, threshold)
score_dict[node_u] = score_u
score_dict[node_v] = score_v
all_neigh_u = list(set(G.all_neighbors(node=node_u)))
# print("all_neigh:",all_neigh_u)
all_neigh_v = list(set(G.all_neighbors(node=node_v)))
for node_w in all_neigh_u:
if node_w in all_neigh_v:
w_2hop = _get2hop(G_un, node_w)
G_w = G.nodes_subgraph(from_nodes=w_2hop)
score_w = _updateScore(node_w, G_w, threshold)
score_w = 0
w_2hop = _get2hop(G_un, node_w)
G_w = G.nodes_subgraph(from_nodes=w_2hop)
for c in _strongly_connected_components(G_w, threshold):
if node_u in c:
length = len(c)
closeness_c_w = _computeCloseness(G, c, node_w, threshold, length)
if closeness_c_w < 0:
score_w -= closeness_c_w
score_dict[node_w] = score_w
[docs]def weakTieLocal(G, edges_plus, edges_delete, threshold, score_dict, k):
"""Find brokers in evolving social networks, utilize the 2-hop neighborhood of an affected node to identify brokers.
G: easygraph.DiGraph
edges_plus: list of list
set of edges to be added
edges_delete: list of list
set of edges to be removed
threshold: float
tie strength threshold.
score_dict: dict
The score of each node computed before.
k: int
top - k nodes with highest scores.
SHS_list : list
The list of each nodes with highest scores.
See Also
# >>> SHS_list=weakTieLocal(G, [[2, 7]], [[1,3]], 0.2, score_dict, 3)
.. [1] Mining Brokers in Dynamic Social Networks. Chonggang Song, Wynne Hsu, Mong Li Lee. Proc. of ACM CIKM, 2015.
for edge in edges_plus:
G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
_computeTieStrength(G, edge[0], edge[1])
_commonUpdate(G, edge[0], edge[1], threshold, score_dict)
for edge in edges_delete:
G.remove_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
_commonUpdate(G, edge[0], edge[1], threshold, score_dict)
ordered_set = sorted(score_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
SHS_list = []
for i in range(k):
print("updated score:", score_dict)
print("top-k nodes:", SHS_list)
return SHS_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
G = eg.DiGraph()
G.add_edge(1, 5)
G.add_edge(1, 4)
G.add_edge(2, 1)
G.add_edge(2, 6)
G.add_edge(2, 9)
G.add_edge(3, 4)
G.add_edge(3, 1)
G.add_edge(4, 3)
G.add_edge(4, 1)
G.add_edge(4, 5)
G.add_edge(5, 4)
G.add_edge(5, 8)
G.add_edge(6, 1)
G.add_edge(6, 2)
G.add_edge(7, 2)
G.add_edge(7, 3)
G.add_edge(7, 10)
G.add_edge(8, 4)
G.add_edge(8, 5)
G.add_edge(9, 6)
G.add_edge(9, 10)
G.add_edge(10, 7)
G.add_edge(10, 9)
SHS_list, score_dict = weakTie(G, 0.2, 3)
SHS_list = weakTieLocal(G, [[2, 7]], [[2, 7]], 0.2, score_dict, 3)