Source code for easygraph.random.hypergraph

import random

from easygraph.classes.graph import Graph

__all__ = ["graph_Gnm"]

[docs]def graph_Gnm(num_v: int, num_e: int): r"""Return a random graph with ``num_v`` verteices and ``num_e`` edges. Edges are drawn uniformly from the set of possible edges. Args: ``num_v`` (``int``): The Number of vertices. ``num_e`` (``int``): The Number of edges. Examples: >>> import easygraph.random as random >>> g = random.graph_Gnm(4, 5) >>> g.e ([(1, 2), (0, 3), (2, 3), (0, 2), (1, 3)], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) """ assert num_v > 1, "num_v must be greater than 1" assert ( num_e < num_v * (num_v - 1) // 2 ), "the specified num_e is larger than the possible number of edges" v_list = list(range(num_v)) cur_num_e, e_set = 0, set() while cur_num_e < num_e: v = random.choice(v_list) w = random.choice(v_list) if v > w: v, w = w, v if v == w or (v, w) in e_set: continue e_set.add((v, w)) cur_num_e += 1 g = Graph() g.add_nodes(list(range(0, num_v))) for ee in list(e_set): g.add_edge(ee[0], ee[1], weight=1.0) return g