Source code for easygraph.readwrite.gml

Read graphs in GML format.

"GML, the Graph Modelling Language, is our proposal for a portable
file format for graphs. GML's key features are portability, simple
syntax, extensibility and flexibility. A GML file consists of a
hierarchical key-value lists. Graphs can be annotated with arbitrary
data structures. The idea for a common file format was born at the
GD'95; this proposal is the outcome of many discussions. GML is the
standard file format in the Graphlet graph editor system. It has been
overtaken and adapted by several other systems for drawing graphs."

GML files are stored using a 7-bit ASCII encoding with any extended
ASCII characters (iso8859-1) appearing as HTML character entities.
You will need to give some thought into how the exported data should
interact with different languages and even different Python versions.
Re-importing from gml is also a concern.

Without specifying a `stringizer`/`destringizer`, the code is capable of
writing `int`/`float`/`str`/`dict`/`list` data as required by the GML
specification.  For writing other data types, and for reading data other
than `str` you need to explicitly supply a `stringizer`/`destringizer`.

For additional documentation on the GML file format, please see the
`GML website <>`_.

Several example graphs in GML format may be found on Mark Newman's
`Network data page <>`_.

import html.entities as htmlentitydefs
import re
import warnings

from ast import literal_eval
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from io import StringIO
from typing import Any
from typing import NamedTuple
from unicodedata import category

import easygraph as eg

from easygraph.utils import open_file
from easygraph.utils.exception import EasyGraphError

__all__ = ["read_gml", "parse_gml", "generate_gml", "write_gml"]

LIST_START_VALUE = "_easygraph_list_start"

def escape(text):
    """Use XML character references to escape characters.

    Use XML character references for unprintable or non-ASCII
    characters, double quotes and ampersands in a string

    def fixup(m):
        ch =
        return "&#" + str(ord(ch)) + ";"

    text = re.sub('[^ -~]|[&"]', fixup, text)
    return text if isinstance(text, str) else str(text)

def unescape(text):
    """Replace XML character references with the referenced characters"""

    def fixup(m):
        text =
        if text[1] == "#":
            # Character reference
            if text[2] == "x":
                code = int(text[3:-1], 16)
                code = int(text[2:-1])
            # Named entity
                code = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint[text[1:-1]]
            except KeyError:
                return text  # leave unchanged
            return chr(code)
        except (ValueError, OverflowError):
            return text  # leave unchanged

    return re.sub("&(?:[0-9A-Za-z]+|#(?:[0-9]+|x[0-9A-Fa-f]+));", fixup, text)

def literal_destringizer(rep):
    """Convert a Python literal to the value it represents.

    rep : string
        A Python literal.

    value : object
        The value of the Python literal.

        If `rep` is not a Python literal.
    msg = "literal_destringizer is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0."
    warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
    if isinstance(rep, str):
        orig_rep = rep
            return literal_eval(rep)
        except SyntaxError as err:
            raise ValueError(f"{orig_rep!r} is not a valid Python literal") from err
        raise ValueError(f"{rep!r} is not a string")

class Pattern(Enum):
    """encodes the index of each token-matching pattern in `tokenize`."""

    KEYS = 0
    REALS = 1
    INTS = 2
    STRINGS = 3
    DICT_START = 4
    DICT_END = 5

class Token(NamedTuple):
    category: Pattern
    value: Any
    line: int
    position: int

[docs]def parse_gml(lines, label="label", destringizer=None): """Parse GML graph from a string or iterable. Parameters ---------- lines : string or iterable of strings Data in GML format. label : string, optional If not None, the parsed nodes will be renamed according to node attributes indicated by `label`. Default value: 'label'. destringizer : callable, optional A `destringizer` that recovers values stored as strings in GML. If it cannot convert a string to a value, a `ValueError` is raised. Default value : None. Returns ------- G : EasyGraph graph The parsed graph. Raises ------ EasyGraphError If the input cannot be parsed. See Also -------- write_gml, read_gml Notes ----- This stores nested GML attributes as dictionaries in the EasyGraph graph, node, and edge attribute structures. GML files are stored using a 7-bit ASCII encoding with any extended ASCII characters (iso8859-1) appearing as HTML character entities. Without specifying a `stringizer`/`destringizer`, the code is capable of writing `int`/`float`/`str`/`dict`/`list` data as required by the GML specification. For writing other data types, and for reading data other than `str` you need to explicitly supply a `stringizer`/`destringizer`. For additional documentation on the GML file format, please see the `GML url <>`_. See the module docstring :mod:`easygraph.readwrite.gml` for more details. """ def decode_line(line): if isinstance(line, bytes): try: line.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError as err: raise EasyGraphError("input is not ASCII-encoded") from err if not isinstance(line, str): line = str(line) return line def filter_lines(lines): if isinstance(lines, str): lines = decode_line(lines) lines = lines.splitlines() yield from lines else: for line in lines: line = decode_line(line) if line and line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] if line.find("\n") != -1: raise EasyGraphError("input line contains newline") yield line G = parse_gml_lines(filter_lines(lines), label, destringizer) return G
def parse_gml_lines(lines, label, destringizer): """Parse GML `lines` into a graph.""" def tokenize(): patterns = [ r"[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_]*\b", # keys # reals r"[+-]?(?:[0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.[0-9]*|INF)(?:[Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)?", r"[+-]?[0-9]+", # ints r'".*?"', # strings r"\[", # dict start r"\]", # dict end r"#.*$|\s+", # comments and whitespaces ] tokens = re.compile("|".join(f"({pattern})" for pattern in patterns)) lineno = 0 for line in lines: length = len(line) pos = 0 while pos < length: match = tokens.match(line, pos) if match is None: m = f"cannot tokenize {line[pos:]} at ({lineno + 1}, {pos + 1})" raise EasyGraphError(m) for i in range(len(patterns)): group = + 1) if group is not None: if i == 0: # keys value = group.rstrip() elif i == 1: # reals value = float(group) elif i == 2: # ints value = int(group) else: value = group if i != 6: # comments and whitespaces yield Token(Pattern(i), value, lineno + 1, pos + 1) pos += len(group) break lineno += 1 yield Token(None, None, lineno + 1, 1) # EOF def unexpected(curr_token, expected): category, value, lineno, pos = curr_token value = repr(value) if value is not None else "EOF" raise EasyGraphError(f"expected {expected}, found {value} at ({lineno}, {pos})") def consume(curr_token, category, expected): if curr_token.category == category: return next(tokens) unexpected(curr_token, expected) def parse_dict(curr_token): # dict start curr_token = consume(curr_token, Pattern.DICT_START, "'['") # dict contents curr_token, dct = parse_kv(curr_token) # dict end curr_token = consume(curr_token, Pattern.DICT_END, "']'") return curr_token, dct def parse_kv(curr_token): dct = defaultdict(list) while curr_token.category == Pattern.KEYS: key = curr_token.value curr_token = next(tokens) category = curr_token.category if category == Pattern.REALS or category == Pattern.INTS: value = curr_token.value curr_token = next(tokens) elif category == Pattern.STRINGS: value = unescape(curr_token.value[1:-1]) if destringizer: try: value = destringizer(value) except ValueError: pass curr_token = next(tokens) elif category == Pattern.DICT_START: curr_token, value = parse_dict(curr_token) else: if key in ("id", "label", "source", "target"): try: # String convert the token value value = unescape(str(curr_token.value)) if destringizer: try: value = destringizer(value) except ValueError: pass curr_token = next(tokens) except Exception: msg = ( "an int, float, string, '[' or string" + " convertible ASCII value for node id or label" ) unexpected(curr_token, msg) elif curr_token.value in {"NAN", "INF"}: value = float(curr_token.value) curr_token = next(tokens) else: # Otherwise error out unexpected(curr_token, "an int, float, string or '['") dct[key].append(value) def clean_dict_value(value): if not isinstance(value, list): return value if len(value) == 1: return value[0] if value[0] == LIST_START_VALUE: return value[1:] return value dct = {key: clean_dict_value(value) for key, value in dct.items()} return curr_token, dct def parse_graph(): curr_token, dct = parse_kv(next(tokens)) if curr_token.category is not None: # EOF unexpected(curr_token, "EOF") if "graph" not in dct: raise EasyGraphError("input contains no graph") graph = dct["graph"] if isinstance(graph, list): raise EasyGraphError("input contains more than one graph") return graph tokens = tokenize() graph = parse_graph() directed = graph.pop("directed", False) multigraph = graph.pop("multigraph", False) if not multigraph: G = eg.DiGraph() if directed else eg.Graph() else: G = eg.MultiDiGraph() if directed else eg.MultiGraph() graph_attr = {k: v for k, v in graph.items() if k not in ("node", "edge")} G.graph.update(graph_attr) def pop_attr(dct, category, attr, i): try: return dct.pop(attr) except KeyError as err: raise EasyGraphError(f"{category} #{i} has no {attr!r} attribute") from err nodes = graph.get("node", []) mapping = {} node_labels = set() for i, node in enumerate(nodes if isinstance(nodes, list) else [nodes]): id = pop_attr(node, "node", "id", i) if id in G: raise EasyGraphError(f"node id {id!r} is duplicated") if label is not None and label != "id": node_label = pop_attr(node, "node", label, i) if node_label in node_labels: raise EasyGraphError(f"node label {node_label!r} is duplicated") node_labels.add(node_label) mapping[id] = node_label G.add_node(id, **node) edges = graph.get("edge", []) for i, edge in enumerate(edges if isinstance(edges, list) else [edges]): source = pop_attr(edge, "edge", "source", i) target = pop_attr(edge, "edge", "target", i) if source not in G: raise EasyGraphError(f"edge #{i} has undefined source {source!r}") if target not in G: raise EasyGraphError(f"edge #{i} has undefined target {target!r}") if not multigraph: if not G.has_edge(source, target): G.add_edge(source, target, **edge) else: arrow = "->" if directed else "--" msg = f"edge #{i} ({source!r}{arrow}{target!r}) is duplicated" raise EasyGraphError(msg) else: key = edge.pop("key", None) if key is not None and G.has_edge(source, target, key): arrow = "->" if directed else "--" msg = f"edge #{i} ({source!r}{arrow}{target!r}, {key!r})" msg2 = 'Hint: If multigraph add "multigraph 1" to file header.' raise EasyGraphError(msg + " is duplicated\n" + msg2) G.add_edge(source, target, key, **edge) if label is not None and label != "id": G = eg.relabel_nodes(G, mapping) return G
[docs]def generate_gml(G, stringizer=None): r"""Generate a single entry of the graph `G` in GML format. Parameters ---------- G : EasyGraph graph The graph to be converted to GML. stringizer : callable, optional A `stringizer` which converts non-int/non-float/non-dict values into strings. If it cannot convert a value into a string, it should raise a `ValueError` to indicate that. Default value: None. Returns ------- lines: generator of strings Lines of GML data. Newlines are not appended. Raises ------ EasyGraphError If `stringizer` cannot convert a value into a string, or the value to convert is not a string while `stringizer` is None. See Also -------- literal_stringizer Notes ----- Graph attributes named 'directed', 'multigraph', 'node' or 'edge', node attributes named 'id' or 'label', edge attributes named 'source' or 'target' (or 'key' if `G` is a multigraph) are ignored because these attribute names are used to encode the graph structure. GML files are stored using a 7-bit ASCII encoding with any extended ASCII characters (iso8859-1) appearing as HTML character entities. Without specifying a `stringizer`/`destringizer`, the code is capable of writing `int`/`float`/`str`/`dict`/`list` data as required by the GML specification. For writing other data types, and for reading data other than `str` you need to explicitly supply a `stringizer`/`destringizer`. For additional documentation on the GML file format, please see the `GML url <>`_. See the module docstring :mod:`easygraph.readwrite.gml` for more details. Examples -------- >>> G = eg.Graph() >>> G.add_node("1") >>> print("\n".join(eg.generate_gml(G))) graph [ node [ id 0 label "1" ] ] """ valid_keys = re.compile("^[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_]*$") def stringize(key, value, ignored_keys, indent, in_list=False): if not isinstance(key, str): raise EasyGraphError(f"{key!r} is not a string") if not valid_keys.match(key): raise EasyGraphError(f"{key!r} is not a valid key") if not isinstance(key, str): key = str(key) if key not in ignored_keys: if isinstance(value, (int, bool)): if key == "label": yield indent + key + ' "' + str(value) + '"' elif value is True: # python bool is an instance of int yield indent + key + " 1" elif value is False: yield indent + key + " 0" # GML only supports signed 32-bit integers elif value < -(2**31) or value >= 2**31: yield indent + key + ' "' + str(value) + '"' else: yield indent + key + " " + str(value) elif isinstance(value, float): text = repr(value).upper() # GML matches INF to keys, so prepend + to INF. Use repr(float(*)) # instead of string literal to future proof against changes to repr. if text == repr(float("inf")).upper(): text = "+" + text else: # GML requires that a real literal contain a decimal point, but # repr may not output a decimal point when the mantissa is # integral and hence needs fixing. epos = text.rfind("E") if epos != -1 and text.find(".", 0, epos) == -1: text = text[:epos] + "." + text[epos:] if key == "label": yield indent + key + ' "' + text + '"' else: yield indent + key + " " + text elif isinstance(value, dict): yield indent + key + " [" next_indent = indent + " " for key, value in value.items(): yield from stringize(key, value, (), next_indent) yield indent + "]" elif ( isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) and key != "label" and value and not in_list ): if len(value) == 1: yield indent + key + " " + f'"{LIST_START_VALUE}"' for val in value: yield from stringize(key, val, (), indent, True) else: if stringizer: try: value = stringizer(value) except ValueError as err: raise EasyGraphError( f"{value!r} cannot be converted into a string" ) from err if not isinstance(value, str): raise EasyGraphError(f"{value!r} is not a string") yield indent + key + ' "' + escape(value) + '"' yield "graph [" # Output graph attributes multigraph = G.is_multigraph() if G.is_directed(): yield " directed 1" if multigraph: yield " multigraph 1" ignored_keys = {"directed", "multigraph", "node", "edge"} for attr, value in G.graph.items(): yield from stringize(attr, value, ignored_keys, " ") # Output node data node_id = dict(zip(G, range(len(G)))) ignored_keys = {"id", "label"} for node, attrs in G.nodes.items(): yield " node [" yield " id " + str(node_id[node]) yield from stringize("label", node, (), " ") for attr, value in attrs.items(): yield from stringize(attr, value, ignored_keys, " ") yield " ]" # Output edge data ignored_keys = {"source", "target"} kwargs = {"data": True} if multigraph: ignored_keys.add("key") kwargs["keys"] = True for e in G.edges: yield " edge [" yield " source " + str(node_id[e[0]]) yield " target " + str(node_id[e[1]]) if multigraph: yield from stringize("key", e[2], (), " ") for attr, value in e[-1].items(): yield from stringize(attr, value, ignored_keys, " ") yield " ]" yield "]"
[docs]@open_file(0, mode="rb") def read_gml(path, label="label", destringizer=None): """Read graph in GML format from `path`. Parameters ---------- path : filename or filehandle The filename or filehandle to read from. label : string, optional If not None, the parsed nodes will be renamed according to node attributes indicated by `label`. Default value: 'label'. destringizer : callable, optional A `destringizer` that recovers values stored as strings in GML. If it cannot convert a string to a value, a `ValueError` is raised. Default value : None. Returns ------- G : EasyGraph graph The parsed graph. Raises ------ EasyGraphError If the input cannot be parsed. See Also -------- write_gml, parse_gml literal_destringizer Notes ----- GML files are stored using a 7-bit ASCII encoding with any extended ASCII characters (iso8859-1) appearing as HTML character entities. Without specifying a `stringizer`/`destringizer`, the code is capable of writing `int`/`float`/`str`/`dict`/`list` data as required by the GML specification. For writing other data types, and for reading data other than `str` you need to explicitly supply a `stringizer`/`destringizer`. For additional documentation on the GML file format, please see the `GML url <>`_. See the module docstring :mod:`easygraph.readwrite.gml` for more details. Examples -------- >>> G = eg.path_graph(4) >>> eg.write_gml(G, "test.gml") GML values are interpreted as strings by default: >>> H = eg.read_gml("test.gml") >>> H.nodes NodeView(('0', '1', '2', '3')) When a `destringizer` is provided, GML values are converted to the provided type. For example, integer nodes can be recovered as shown below: >>> J = eg.read_gml("test.gml", destringizer=int) >>> J.nodes NodeView((0, 1, 2, 3)) """ def filter_lines(lines): for line in lines: try: line = line.decode("ascii") except UnicodeDecodeError as err: raise EasyGraphError("input is not ASCII-encoded") from err if not isinstance(line, str): lines = str(lines) if line and line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] yield line G = parse_gml_lines(filter_lines(path), label, destringizer) return G
[docs]@open_file(1, mode="wb") def write_gml(G, path, stringizer=None): """Write a graph `G` in GML format to the file or file handle `path`. Parameters ---------- G : EasyGraph graph The graph to be converted to GML. path : filename or filehandle The filename or filehandle to write. Files whose names end with .gz or .bz2 will be compressed. stringizer : callable, optional A `stringizer` which converts non-int/non-float/non-dict values into strings. If it cannot convert a value into a string, it should raise a `ValueError` to indicate that. Default value: None. Raises ------ EasyGraphError If `stringizer` cannot convert a value into a string, or the value to convert is not a string while `stringizer` is None. See Also -------- read_gml, generate_gml literal_stringizer Notes ----- Graph attributes named 'directed', 'multigraph', 'node' or 'edge', node attributes named 'id' or 'label', edge attributes named 'source' or 'target' (or 'key' if `G` is a multigraph) are ignored because these attribute names are used to encode the graph structure. GML files are stored using a 7-bit ASCII encoding with any extended ASCII characters (iso8859-1) appearing as HTML character entities. Without specifying a `stringizer`/`destringizer`, the code is capable of writing `int`/`float`/`str`/`dict`/`list` data as required by the GML specification. For writing other data types, and for reading data other than `str` you need to explicitly supply a `stringizer`/`destringizer`. Note that while we allow non-standard GML to be read from a file, we make sure to write GML format. In particular, underscores are not allowed in attribute names. For additional documentation on the GML file format, please see the `GML url <>`_. See the module docstring :mod:`easygraph.readwrite.gml` for more details. Examples -------- >>> G = eg.path_graph(4) >>> eg.write_gml(G, "test.gml") Filenames ending in .gz or .bz2 will be compressed. >>> eg.write_gml(G, "test.gml.gz") """ for line in generate_gml(G, stringizer): path.write((line + "\n").encode("ascii"))
def literal_stringizer(value): msg = "literal_stringizer is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0." warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) def stringize(value): if isinstance(value, (int, bool)) or value is None: if value is True: # GML uses 1/0 for boolean values. buf.write(str(1)) elif value is False: buf.write(str(0)) else: buf.write(str(value)) elif isinstance(value, str): text = repr(value) if text[0] != "u": try: value.encode("latin1") except UnicodeEncodeError: text = "u" + text buf.write(text) elif isinstance(value, (float, complex, str, bytes)): buf.write(repr(value)) elif isinstance(value, list): buf.write("[") first = True for item in value: if not first: buf.write(",") else: first = False stringize(item) buf.write("]") elif isinstance(value, tuple): if len(value) > 1: buf.write("(") first = True for item in value: if not first: buf.write(",") else: first = False stringize(item) buf.write(")") elif value: buf.write("(") stringize(value[0]) buf.write(",)") else: buf.write("()") elif isinstance(value, dict): buf.write("{") first = True for key, value in value.items(): if not first: buf.write(",") else: first = False stringize(key) buf.write(":") stringize(value) buf.write("}") elif isinstance(value, set): buf.write("{") first = True for item in value: if not first: buf.write(",") else: first = False stringize(item) buf.write("}") else: msg = "{value!r} cannot be converted into a Python literal" raise ValueError(msg) buf = StringIO() stringize(value) return buf.getvalue()