Source code for easygraph.utils.misc

from itertools import chain
from itertools import tee

__all__ = [

[docs]def split_len(nodes, step=30000): ret = [] length = len(nodes) for i in range(0, length, step): ret.append(nodes[i : i + step]) if len(ret[-1]) * 3 < step: ret[-2] = ret[-2] + ret[-1] ret = ret[:-1] return ret
[docs]def split(nodes, n): ret = [] length = len(nodes) # 总长 step = int(length / n) + 1 # 每份的长度 for i in range(0, length, step): ret.append(nodes[i : i + step]) return ret
[docs]def nodes_equal(nodes1, nodes2): """Check if nodes are equal. Equality here means equal as Python objects. Node data must match if included. The order of nodes is not relevant. Parameters ---------- nodes1, nodes2 : iterables of nodes, or (node, datadict) tuples Returns ------- bool True if nodes are equal, False otherwise. """ nlist1 = list(nodes1) nlist2 = list(nodes2) try: d1 = dict(nlist1) d2 = dict(nlist2) except (ValueError, TypeError): d1 = dict.fromkeys(nlist1) d2 = dict.fromkeys(nlist2) return d1 == d2
[docs]def edges_equal(edges1, edges2, need_data=True): """Check if edges are equal. Equality here means equal as Python objects. Edge data must match if included. The order of the edges is not relevant. Parameters ---------- edges1, edges2 : iterables of with u, v nodes as edge tuples (u, v), or edge tuples with data dicts (u, v, d), or edge tuples with keys and data dicts (u, v, k, d) Returns ------- bool True if edges are equal, False otherwise. """ from collections import defaultdict d1 = defaultdict(dict) d2 = defaultdict(dict) c1 = 0 for c1, e in enumerate(edges1): u, v = e[0], e[1] data = [] if need_data == True: data = [e[2:]] if v in d1[u]: data = d1[u][v] + data d1[u][v] = data d1[v][u] = data c2 = 0 for c2, e in enumerate(edges2): u, v = e[0], e[1] data = [] if need_data == True: data = [e[2:]] if v in d2[u]: data = d2[u][v] + data d2[u][v] = data d2[v][u] = data if c1 != c2: return False # can check one direction because lengths are the same. for n, nbrdict in d1.items(): for nbr, datalist in nbrdict.items(): if n not in d2: return False if nbr not in d2[n]: return False d2datalist = d2[n][nbr] for data in datalist: if datalist.count(data) != d2datalist.count(data): return False return True
# Recipe from the itertools documentation.
[docs]def pairwise(iterable, cyclic=False): "s -> (s0, s1), (s1, s2), (s2, s3), ..." a, b = tee(iterable) first = next(b, None) if cyclic is True: return zip(a, chain(b, (first,))) return zip(a, b)
[docs]def graphs_equal(graph1, graph2): """Check if graphs are equal. Equality here means equal as Python objects (not isomorphism). Node, edge and graph data must match. Parameters ---------- graph1, graph2 : graph Returns ------- bool True if graphs are equal, False otherwise. """ return ( graph1.adj == graph2.adj and graph1.nodes == graph2.nodes and graph1.graph == graph2.graph )