from itertools import chain
from itertools import tee
__all__ = [
[docs]def split_len(nodes, step=30000):
ret = []
length = len(nodes)
for i in range(0, length, step):
ret.append(nodes[i : i + step])
if len(ret[-1]) * 3 < step:
ret[-2] = ret[-2] + ret[-1]
ret = ret[:-1]
return ret
[docs]def split(nodes, n):
ret = []
length = len(nodes) # 总长
step = int(length / n) + 1 # 每份的长度
for i in range(0, length, step):
ret.append(nodes[i : i + step])
return ret
[docs]def nodes_equal(nodes1, nodes2):
"""Check if nodes are equal.
Equality here means equal as Python objects.
Node data must match if included.
The order of nodes is not relevant.
nodes1, nodes2 : iterables of nodes, or (node, datadict) tuples
True if nodes are equal, False otherwise.
nlist1 = list(nodes1)
nlist2 = list(nodes2)
d1 = dict(nlist1)
d2 = dict(nlist2)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
d1 = dict.fromkeys(nlist1)
d2 = dict.fromkeys(nlist2)
return d1 == d2
[docs]def edges_equal(edges1, edges2, need_data=True):
"""Check if edges are equal.
Equality here means equal as Python objects.
Edge data must match if included.
The order of the edges is not relevant.
edges1, edges2 : iterables of with u, v nodes as
edge tuples (u, v), or
edge tuples with data dicts (u, v, d), or
edge tuples with keys and data dicts (u, v, k, d)
True if edges are equal, False otherwise.
from collections import defaultdict
d1 = defaultdict(dict)
d2 = defaultdict(dict)
c1 = 0
for c1, e in enumerate(edges1):
u, v = e[0], e[1]
data = []
if need_data == True:
data = [e[2:]]
if v in d1[u]:
data = d1[u][v] + data
d1[u][v] = data
d1[v][u] = data
c2 = 0
for c2, e in enumerate(edges2):
u, v = e[0], e[1]
data = []
if need_data == True:
data = [e[2:]]
if v in d2[u]:
data = d2[u][v] + data
d2[u][v] = data
d2[v][u] = data
if c1 != c2:
return False
# can check one direction because lengths are the same.
for n, nbrdict in d1.items():
for nbr, datalist in nbrdict.items():
if n not in d2:
return False
if nbr not in d2[n]:
return False
d2datalist = d2[n][nbr]
for data in datalist:
if datalist.count(data) != d2datalist.count(data):
return False
return True
# Recipe from the itertools documentation.
[docs]def pairwise(iterable, cyclic=False):
"s -> (s0, s1), (s1, s2), (s2, s3), ..."
a, b = tee(iterable)
first = next(b, None)
if cyclic is True:
return zip(a, chain(b, (first,)))
return zip(a, b)
[docs]def graphs_equal(graph1, graph2):
"""Check if graphs are equal.
Equality here means equal as Python objects (not isomorphism).
Node, edge and graph data must match.
graph1, graph2 : graph
True if graphs are equal, False otherwise.
return (
graph1.adj == graph2.adj
and graph1.nodes == graph2.nodes
and graph1.graph == graph2.graph